Getting the right leisure offers to the right people.
Why choose Parcdeals?
Added value
Address a new, unique group of people, with a keen interest for leisure activities of all sorts. Add value by attracting visitors, who would otherwise not have visited or even known about your option of entertainment.
Over the years, we have gathered data that will prove very useful in two ways: giving people exactly what they want and need (1) and thereby giving our partners the chance to promote their unique offers to them (2).
The right incentive, can persuade the right people to take action. This will benefit both the consumer and the provider. That is exactly what we aim to do. Create a win-win situation for all parties involved.
Vision & Mission
Our vision is to help visitors find the best leisure offers, suited to their specific needs. Whether they want to visit with their children, in group, add a hotel stay or buy a season ticket: we make sure that they can find the best solution, adjusted to their complete set of needs and desires.
Parcdeals by numbers
Newsletter Subscribers
Visitors/month in peak months
Average visitors/month
Push Notification Subscibers
Social media fans
Always nice to cooperate with Pretparkdeals! A proactive follow-up and fast in communication. And all of this to a target group of real amusement park lovers.
Being of our most successful publishers, Parcdeals have proven to be a professional and reliable partner for Leisuree. Parcdeals have helped us develop our business in several countries through their local knowledge, and thus we are more then happy to continue our successful partnership.